Update your Aadhaar card online instantly


Aadhaar Card Updation: If you want to update details in your Aadhaar Card you can do that easily online. If the update is pertaining to your name, address and date of birth, then you need to make sure that the documents used as proof to substantiate your claim should be in accordance to the list prescribed by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).
The UIDAI has listed 32 documents which are valid POIs. Some of the most commonly used POIs are Passport, PAN Card, Ration/ PDS Photo Card, Voter ID, Driving License, Government Photo ID Cards, Service photo identity card issued by PSUs, NREGS Job Card, Arms License, Photo Bank ATM Card, Photo Credit Card, Pensioner Photo Card, Freedom Fighter Photo Card, Kissan Photo Passbook and CGHS/ ECHS Photo Card