Readers’ comments: Lakhimpur Kheri killings highlight the barbarism lurking in Indian society


The Lakhimpur Kheri incident shows the height of cruelty and barbarism in our society (We saw farmers being literally crushed’: Anger against BJP cuts across caste, religion in rural UP). The violence came a day after India paid tributes to Mahatma Gandhi – a great man who stood for non-violence and sacrificed his life. Before it is too late, a thorough introspection by the government as well as agitating farmers is the need of the hour. – Ramana Gove

Remembering Mahatma
This is a great article packed with things to ponder about in today’s world (Sudheendra Kulkarni: What Gandhi, Saint Francis and Pope Francis have in common). I loved reading it. Thank you. – Teresa Joseph

This is an unimaginably fantastic article on Gandhi Jayanti. Such articles have the capacity to counter Bharatiya Janata Party’s Hindutva narrative. Thank you so much. – MS Murty

Double-edged sword
The author of this article is trying to mislead readers (After meeting Biden and Harris in the US, Modi discovers that the Sword of Democracy is double-edged). I had stopped reading for a while for its senseless articles. I guess I will have to stop reading it altogether for good. – Rahul Prakash

State of Mumbai Police
I empathise with Julio Ribeiro’s anguish at the sorry state of affairs of the police force (Julio Ribeiro: An old police chief’s lament for the sorry state of the Mumbai Police). I would venture to add this malaise is prevalent in all services without exception. The pyramidical rank structure in services is the primary reason why public servants serve their political masters for petty things like postings and promotion. The political masters are shrewd enough to capitalise on human weaknesses and exploit them.

Ribeiro’s times were no different. Nor are they going to ever change. We, of the older generation, were no different than the present generation. The truth is we did not set any standards for posterity to emulate. And rightly so, the present incumbents have the right to tell us to shut up not pontificate. – Chatru Kripalani