PM Kisan Yojana: When do beneficiaries receive installments?


PM Kisan is a central-sector initiative that is entirely funded by the Indian government. Under the scheme, eligible farmers will receive Rs 6,000 per annum which will be distributed in installments of Rs 2,000 every four months.

PM Modi launched the Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana in 2018, and many eligible people have benefited from it so far. On January 1, 2022, the beneficiaries got their 10th instalment under the PM Kisan scheme. The instalment was deposited directly to the beneficiaries’ bank accounts.

According to the PM Kisan website, one has to update their eKYC to receive the 11th instalment. “eKYC is MANDATORY for PMKISAN Registered Farmers. Pls. click eKYC option in Farmer Corner for Aadhar based OTP authentication and for Biometric authentication contact nearest CSC centre.”

When are the instalments paid?

As per the PM Kisan FAQs available on its website, “How many times will the benefit be given in a year? Under the PM-Kisan scheme, all landholding farmers’ families shall be provided the financial benefit of Rs.6000 per annum per family payable in three equal installments of Rs.200O/- each, every four months. The period of 1’t installment under the scheme is from 01 .12 2O18 to 31 03 2019, that of 2nd installment from 01 04.2019 to 31 07 .2019,3’d installment from 01 08.2019 to 30 11 2019, and so on.”

Instalment amount paid out so far
Usually, period one is between April-July, period two is between August to November, and period three falls between December to March. Now anytime the government may announce the 11th instalment and release the funds in April first week, according to news reports.

Below is the data of the amount released in the previous instalment account to PM Kisan website.
DEC-MAR 2021-22 : Rs 10,93,22,605
AUG-NOV 2021-22 : Rs 11,18,25,734
APR-JUL 2021-22 : Rs 11,13,41,267
DEC-MAR 2020-21 : Rs 10,23,51,092
AUG-NOV 2020-21 : Rs 10,23,45,371
APR-JUL 2020-21 : Rs 10,49,32,479
DEC-MAR 2019-20 : Rs 8,96,15,905
AUG-NOV 2019-20 : Rs 8,76,21,571
APR-JUL 2019-20 : Rs 6,63,33,998
DEC-MAR 2018-19 : Rs 3,16,11,934

Benefits are available to all agricultural families who own land under this programme. According to the government’s criteria, a landowning farmer family consists of a husband, wife, and minor children who possess agricultural land according to the surveyor of the appropriate State or Union Territory.